Top tips for the end of term

If you’re heading back home for the break, then here’s a few things for you to consider. Hopefully they should help you out at the end of the year!  

Take home what you haven't used

Everyone does it, when you were packing to head to University you brought everything and the kitchen sink – just in case. But if you still have a load of stuff you’ve never even unpacked, see if you can take it back with you when you’re heading home for Easter. You’ll have more than enough to pack up at the end of the year, so you’ll appreciate having got rid of what you don’t need early! 

Now that spring is officially upon us, you might even be brave enough to leave your winter coat at home! 

Give your unwanted items to the British Heart Foundation (or other charity)

If you’re looking round your room and realise there’s some things you just don’t need any more, why not donate it to the British Heart Foundation? Most halls have a donation bank outside them, but if yours doesn’t, or you don’t live in halls, then feel free to drop your donations off at one of the banks on campus – such as by Charles Morris, or outside of Henry Price. Not only will you lose a bit of clutter, but you’ll be helping out a great cause too. 

Just remember that the British Heart Foundation can’t accept duvets, pillows, broken or dirty items, knives, hangers, food, bikes or helmets. There are other charities that can accept some of these items

If you’re living in halls then keep your eyes out for clothes swap events in the last week of term. Here you can swap the clothes you don’t want any more for something new! It’s a fun, sustainable way to get a new look.   

Talk to your housemates for next year

Have a chat with your housemates for next year as soon as possible soon you can plan who is bringing what for your house. You don't want to end up with five kettles but no bowls. If you're graduating, work out who is taking different items with them so you aren't throwing out perfectly good stuff. You can't all have the good frying pan so it's best to work out a fair compromise early! 

Keep yourself and your property safe

Looking after yourself and staying safe is important at all times, but if you're in Leeds over the holiday, and your friends have left, then it's important to be extra vigilant. Here's some tips on staying safe

Make sure you close your windows and lock your doors when you’re heading off, and if there’s any valuables that you’re not taking with you then make sure they’re stored safely out of sight. It only takes a few moments to make your place safe and secure so there’s no reason not to. Got a light timer plug? They're pretty cheap to get and can make it look like your house is not empty. 

Keep any boxes for new electrical appliances at home when you return to Leeds - it's easy for anyone interested to see packaging for laptops and televisions outside your house. 

If you want any more tips on security and safety, have a look at this guide from the Security Service.  

Have a great break, and we look forward to seeing you again soon!