Tuition fee payment schedule

You need to make arrangements to pay your tuition fees before the start of the academic year or you won't be able to register.

What you need to do depends on whether you are an undergraduate, taught postgraduate or research postgraduate student. If you are sponsored by an organisation, read the information for sponsored students.

If you're registering for less than one academic year you must pay 100% of your fees before or on the day of registration. 

If you are a new international taught postgraduate student and need information about Tuition Fee deposits this is provided by the admissions team.

Please note that instalment plans are discretionary and may not be available to an individual student if you have failed to pay a previous instalment on time. The dates shown below are for the current session and may differ in future years.

International undergraduate and taught postgraduate students

If you're self-funding, you must either pay in full before or on the day of registration, or set up an instalment plan.

The tuition fees are payable in two instalments:

  • 50% before or on the day of registration.
  • 50% in February by direct debit or manual payment.

If you have a UK current account, details can be provided when you set up your instalment plan. We won't take an immediate payment using these details.

If you are an International student and do not already have a UK current account you can pay your first instalment using a different method and set up a UK current account after you arrive in Leeds. You can still set up an instalment plan and select to pay the second instalment manually by online card payment or international bank transfer through Flywire. If you need help please contact the Student fees team.

Fee rates 

International fees differ for each course, to find out how much your course costs please check your offer letter or the relevant information using coursefinder. How much you'll pay each year will depend on whether you're doing a full time or part time degree course.

If you'd like a fee assessment to determine if you're a home or international student, contact your admissions team. 

Language Centre pre-sessional courses

If you are studying a content based pre-sessional programme with the language centre you won't be issued with an invoice unless you're a sponsored student and have provided a valid sponsor letter.

If you're a self funded student you must use the amount quoted on your offer letter to make a payment. You must pay 100% of your fees before or on the day of registration.

If you've already paid a tuition fee deposit this should be deducted from the amount you pay. 

UK/EU/Channel Island undergraduates

If you are taking a tuition fee loan, you need to make a loan application. If you are from a Channel Island or the Isle of Man you'll need to seek guidance with your island education offices.

If you are self-funding, you must either pay in full before registration with a simple online payment, or set up an instalment plan to pay:

  • in full before registration
  • or in two instalments by direct debit, or a recurring card payment: 50% in November and 50% in February.

Details of your card or current account must be provided when you set up your instalment plan, we will not take an immediate payment.

There are no additional charges for automatic payment by debit or credit cards. Direct debits cannot be made from savings accounts.

Fee rates

If you would like information about the cost of UK and EU undergraduate tuition fees this is available from your admissions team.

If you would like a fee assessment to determine if you are a home or international student contact your admissions team.

UK/EU/Channel Island taught postgraduate students

If you're self-funding, you must pay in full before or on the day of registration, or set up an instalment plan

 The tuition fees are payable in 2 instalments:

  • 50% paid by you before or on the day of registration, it is your choice which payment method you use for the first instalment
  • 50% in February by direct debit from a UK current account. 

Details of your current account must be provided when you set up your instalment plan, we will not take an immediate payment using these details.

If you are receiving a postgraduate student loan from Student Finance England you can set up an alternative instalment plan in line with your loan payments. This alternative instalment plan will only be available if we have received confirmation from Student Finance England that your postgraduate student loan has been approved.

The alternative instalment plan is three instalments by direct debit from a current account.

  • One third payable on the first of the month 2 months after start date
    (1st November for September starters)
  • One third payable on the first of the month 5 months after start date
    (1st February for September starters)
  • One third payable on the first of the month 8 months after start date
    (1st May for September starters)
    Details for your current account must be provided when you set up your instalment plan, we will not take an immediate payment using these details.

If you default on your first payment and do not bring your account immediately up to date you risk being withdrawn from your programme.

Fee rates

Postgraduate fees are set independently and reviewed on an annual basis.

Postgraduate fees may differ for each course, to find out how much your course costs please check your offer letter or the relevant information on coursefinder.

How much you must pay each year will depend on whether you're doing a full time or part time degree course.

If you would like a fee assessment to determine if you are a home or international student contact your admissions team.

Research students (all residency types)

Fees for research students depend on whether you are a UK, EU or international student, and differ across disciplines. If you're a self-funding student, you can arrange to pay your fees in full or in two instalments.

  • 50% paid by you before or on the day of registration, it is your choice which payment method you use for the first instalment.
  • 50% on the first of the month 5 months after your start date by direct debit from a UK current account.

Details of your current account must be provided when you set up your instalment plan on Step 6 of your online registration, we will not take an immediate payment using these details.

If you do not already have a UK current account you can pay your first instalment using a different method and set up a UK current account when you arrive in Leeds. This process during peak times can take a number of weeks and so to avoid delaying your registration you should treat this as a priority if you wish to pay in instalments. If there are delays to your registration because you are waiting to set up your bank account let student fees know.

Overtime (writing up) fees cannot be paid in instalments. 

PGRs are often responsible for paying this fee, even if funded through a scholarship. If you're a funded PGR, it's advisable to review the terms of your scholarship to check whether this fee is included within the funding or not.
Typically, the overtime fee is applied at the start of the fourth year for full-time and the sixth and seventh year for part-time PGRs. However, there may occasions where a suspension of studies may lead to a delay in fee payment- this would only apply in very limited circumstances. If you have any doubts or questions regarding the timing of your overtime fee payment, do not hesitate to contact your Graduate School team for clarification.

Fee rates

Read the information on postgraduate research fees.

If you would like a fee assessment to determine if you are a home or international student, contact postgraduate research and operations. There are different fees for split-site research programmes

Tuition fee scholarships

If your tuition fees are being paid by the University this is called a tuition fee scholarship and should show on the registration system.

University schools and faculties can make partial contributions or pay your tuition fees in full. You can see whether the fee scholarship paperwork has been processed in step 6 of your online registration.

You'll receive confirmation from your school or faculty that they'll make a payment towards your tuition fees. This does not update on the registration system until a scholarship form is sent to the Fees team.

If no tuition fee scholarship information is showing on step 6 of your registration you must ask the school or faculty providing the fee scholarship to complete a scholarship form and send it to

Need further help or advice?

The Fees team at the University can give you help and advice about paying your tuition fees.

Undergraduate fees:

Postgraduate (including research) fees: