Life at Leeds | 29 November
INDUSTRIAL ACTION: What you need to know
Next week, some University staff will be taking part in industrial action, starting with a three-day strike from Wednesday 1 December. This also starts an extended period of action short of a strike (or ASOS) which means members of the University and College Union will only complete their contracted duties and won’t volunteer to do more.
We know you’ve probably got some questions, so we’ve created some FAQs to cover the things you need to know, including the reasons for industrial action and what the University is doing to resolve them, which you can read here.
The University’s commitment during this time is to ensure that any impact on your learning experience is minimal.
Staff don’t need to let the University know if they plan to go on strike until after it’s taken place, but wherever possible we will let you know in advance if any sessions are likely to be disrupted. We will be in touch to let know how any teaching that is missed as a result of industrial action will be made up. If you have any concerns, contact your school or programme support team in the first instance.
We’ll keep you up-to-date on any developments on social media, so make sure you follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
~ The student communications team ~
If you have a question, remember our student information service is available online and in-person, on campus, to help you get the answers and support you need.
RESEARCH: Prize recognises our contribution to climate science
You might have heard about the University’s A Fairer Future for All – our strategic commitment to making a difference for our staff, students and the global community.
So, we’re excited to have been awarded the Queen's Anniversary Prize - the UK’s highest accolade for universities and colleges - for research into tropical weather systems and climate science.
Our researchers’ work is helping to protect millions of people whose lives and livelihoods are threatened by extreme weather and climate change, from helping provide urgent storm alerts to more than two million people in Senegal’s fishing and farming communities, to helping predict hot, dry and dusty weather which can spark health issues.
Want to know more? You can read more about the prize and the great work happening at Leeds here.
YOUR HEALTH: Meningitis: know the symptoms
While COVID has been at the front of all of our minds for a long time, there are other illnesses that can affect students in particular. Meningitis is one of them, and while it’s fairly rare, it’s important to know the signs so you can keep yourself and your friends safe.
Early symptoms include;
- Severe headache
- A high temperature and/or vomiting
- Stiff neck, aching limbs or joints
- A dislike of bright lights (photophobia)
- Drowsiness or confusion
- Muscle pains – especially in the legs
- A fine purple rash which does not fade when pressed with a glass
Not all these symptoms need to be present in all cases; remember that people with meningitis can become seriously ill very quickly and should seek urgent medical attention.
Further general information about meningitis
ASSESSMENTS: Links to help you prepare for January
- Find all you need to know about assessments at the University
- See online guides about getting help with your studies
- Find out about your academic tutor and how they can help
- Speak to Leeds University Union (LUU) Help and Support
- Understand about mitigating circumstances and how to apply
- Find information on digital education systems such as Turnitin, Gradescope and Top Hat.
COVID UPDATE: Vaccinated in a different country? Self-isolation and travel information
From 1 December, those recognised as fully vaccinated under the UK’s travel policy won’t have to self-isolate if they've been in close contact with a positive COVID-19 case.
If you had one vaccination dose abroad and another dose in the UK then you’ll be exempt from self-isolation, provided the vaccination you received abroad is on the WHO Emergency Use Listing and had it in one of the countries included in the UK’s travel policy for those who are fully vaccinated.
If this affects you, you'll be asked for proof of full vaccination issued by an overseas vaccination programme along with proof of vaccination for travel to the UK. NHS Test and Trace may follow up, where necessary, to seek additional information.
This information is likely to be updated in the next few days.
- Find an updated list on recognised vaccines
- How to quarantine at home if you’re not fully vaccinated
- Guidance if you’re traveling to England
- Red list of countries and territories which have restrictions when entering England. This is currently changing very quickly.
- Travelling home internationally from University
CAMPUS LIFE: Join our Winter Festival on campus
Don’t forget to join us on campus for a range of events, activities and an opportunity to kick-back, relax and socialise with friends.
Planned activities will be taking place on the precinct outside LUU, within the tent that’s on campus, and in the Refectory.
The tent is open every weekday from 3 pm to midnight. We’ve also got an international winter market and Fruity Festive Bingo taking place. More details are on
YOUR STUFF: How to keep your bike safe
Without a quality D-Lock your bike can be stolen in seconds! Security Services will be in the LUU Foyer between 10am and 4pm on Thursday 2 December where you can pick up a ‘Sold Secure’ Kryptonite D-Lock and bike light set for just £20. You can also help to protect your bike from theft by registering your bike with the national, police approved BikeRegister database at the stand and receive a security marking kit for your bike.
Hear more from fellow students on how they keep their bikes safe.
HELPING OTHERS: Donating blood in December (and beyond)
NHS Blood and Transplant need new blood donors from all backgrounds to ensure there is the right blood available for patients who need it. It takes around 15 minutes to donate a pint of blood, with the whole appointment likely to be between 45 minutes to an hour. By donating a pint of blood you can help to save and improve the lives of up to 3 adults or 6 children.
To book an appointment, please visit
YOUR VIEW: What do you think about drinking and drugs?
Share your views (this can be anonymous) in a nationwide survey on what you think about drink and drugs. You can complete this survey if you do not currently drink or have never drunk alcohol, or if you do not currently use or have never used drugs. Find out more, and take the survey.
ACCOMMODATION: Have you thought about halls next year?
Anyone can apply for University halls – they're not just for freshers! You can apply individually or as part of a group wanting to live together. If you’re interested, please visit our returning next year page for more information and to apply. Applications close 31 January 2022.
LIFE AFTER UNI: Support for budding entrepreneurs
Interested in running your own business after uni? For a range of enterprise events and workshops, go to
TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Your opinion matters
International Students: Speak up, Speak out, Join in. Let us know what your experience has been like here - be part of the world's largest student satisfaction survey and change the future student experience. Check your emails and click the link to the student barometer survey.
Last chance to influence the Library Tell us you how you use the Library and what you want us to change in the Library survey. For just 15 minutes of your time, you could have a real impact on how we run in future and enter a draw to win one of five £50 vouchers. Take the survey now and fill in the blanks for us
Complete this short online survey about university reputation to be entered in to a prize draw to win one of two £100 gift vouchers or 16 £50 gift vouchers. The project is managed by The World 100 Reputation Network, a group of leading global universities, to which we belong.
Tell us your thoughts on sustainability to inform what we do next at LUU. Have your say, and you could win some great prizes, like a Chilly's Reusable Set and Fruity tickets.
GET INVOLVED: UK Disability History Month
Attend the last two events put on by Disability Services, looking at different areas of disability support and inclusivity at university.
29 November: All About Assistive Technology
Neurodiversity & Inclusivity will now take place on Weds 15 Dec, 11-12
Find out more about attending the events
ICMYI: There’s still time to check out these free courses
Check out LinkedIn learning courses recommended for students
Sign up to the free Union Black 6-hour online learning course until 3 December on Britain’s black cultures and steps to anti-racism. Sign up via the Santander Scholarships Platform to take part in the course and be in with a chance of winning one of 50 scholarships of £500. Don’t forget to look at Union Black on the alumni website too.
AND FINALLY: If you’re living at home and commuting to campus...
Are you living at home this year? Find out how to get involved with uni life, travel in and make friends with this helpful blog.