Extending support for students, staff and researchers impacted by the conflict in Gaza

Our students and staff have been deeply affected by events in Israel and Gaza and many are concerned about the safety of those in the region, including family and friends. 

For many years, the University has supported displaced students and staff from around the world, helping them to settle safely in Leeds through Sanctuary Scholarships and working with the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara). 

Throughout the terrible events in Israel and Gaza, colleagues from across the institution and LUU have been working together to provide support for all students and academics affected by the conflict. Alongside other Russell Group universities, the University of Leeds has been exploring other ways of supporting those directly displaced by the conflict in the region. 

1. Additional Sanctuary Scholarships for students in Gaza  

Two additional Sanctuary Scholarships are now available specifically for Gazan students who may not be in the UK. 

The University currently provides sanctuary scholarships to support forced migrants who are already in the UK to study at Leeds.  

The two additional scholarships provide an urgent route for Gazan students who are not asylum seekers or refugees in the UK to access education at the University for entry in 2024 or 2025. Each scholarship will fund fees and living costs, as well as covering the cost of a visa, travel and NHS healthcare for the student. 

Once at Leeds, the Sanctuary Scholars receive support and regular check-ins with the Educational Engagement team, ensuring they are settling into life in Leeds.  

2. Support for staff and researchers 

The University has an established relationship with the Council for At-Risk Academics (Cara). The Council provides urgent help to academics who are at-risk, in immediate danger or forced to flee their home country. Cara has received multiple requests from Gazan academics, many of whom require additional assistance to leave the region. 

We know that we need to respond quickly and effectively to any request from Cara, which is why we have increased the amount of funding that we allocate to support two additional placements for visiting research fellows from Gaza.  

3. Looking to the future  

The University is working towards securing University of Sanctuary Status. Good progress has been made towards this with the intention to submit an application for consideration in early 2025. 

A working-group has also been created to explore pathways for supporting Gazan universities and students  via initiatives and partnerships with other universities and agencies with expertise in the region.

We will continue to identify opportunities to support all staff and students through this unimaginable crisis. 

Ongoing health and wellbeing support for impacted staff and students  

Students impacted by the ongoing crisis can find support via the Student Counselling and Wellbeing service. Any student who needs a place to talk can access 1-1 support appointments that are provided by Counsellors and Wellbeing Practitioners, or find online support external to the University. 

Staff impacted by the crisis can access a range of health and wellbeing resources via the Staff Intranet, including counselling and the Employee Assistance Programme.