Governmental and Institutional

Learn about the policies and debates that determine the way we live and interact in the world – and the institutions who take decisions for us on crime, health, and education, as well as war, diplomacy and human rights.

Whether you vote or not, our lives are shaped by governments and other powerful institutions, and the legal and policy frameworks around us. If you would like to learn more about how these institutions have been shaped historically, the ways they operate today, or the challenges they face, this sub-theme may be the one for you. Whether you are a politics student who would like to understand criminal justice, or a chemistry student who wants to understand environmental policy, this sub-theme provides insights on a wide range of issues that have consequences for your own programme of study. 

Governmental and Institutional modules

67 modules available

This information is for the 2024/25 academic year. 


Module Code Module Title Level 
ARAB1150 Early and Medieval Islamic History 1
CLAS1300 The Greek World: an Introduction 1
EAST1450 Foundations of East Asia 1
GERM1200 20th Century German History 1
LLLC1080 Safeguarding Children - Family Support and Child Abuse 1
LUBS1125 Economic Institutions (Labour) 1
LUBS1291 Economic Perspectives and Controversies 1
LUBS1585 Economic Institutions (Industry) 1
LUBS1755 Business and Society (Combined) 1
LUBS1760 Business and Society (Organisation Theory) 1
LUBS1765 Business and Society (Social Theory) 1
MODL1100 Politics, Culture and Society 1
PIED1100 British Politics 1
PIED1201 Global Development Challenges 1
PIED1212 Making of the Modern World 1
PIED1511 International Politics 1
PIED1551 Power and Conflict - an Introduction 1
PIED1806 Contemporary Africas: Politics, Society and the Environment 1
SLSP1181 Crime and Society 1
SLSP1221 Debating Welfare States 1
THEO1133 Introduction to Christian Theology 1
THEO1177 Religion, Politics and Society in the Modern World 1
ARAB2015 The Shari’a: Theory, Practice, Transformations 2
ARAB2066 Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict 2
ARAB2091 Arab Media, Politics and Society 2
ARAB2190 Global Jihad: From the Taliban to ISIS 2
ARAB2310 Modern Middle Eastern History 2
EAST2008 The Making of Modern Thailand 2
GEOG2035 Geographies of Economies 2
GEOG2140 Political and Development Geographies: The shaping of the world 2
HIST2030 The Crusades and the Crusader States in the 12th Century 2
HIST2045 Transformations of the Roman World 2
HIST2103 Later Victorian England: Politics, Society and Culture 2
HIST2152 Spain, 1898-1936: Disaster, Reaction and Reform 2
HIST2430 The History of Africa since 1900 2
HIST2857 The Global Cold War 2
HIST2875 From Versailles to Potsdam: Conferences, Crises and Conflicts, 1919-45 2
LLLC2222 Violent and Sexually Offending Young People 2
LUBS2000 Management, Work and Organisations 2
LUBS2060 Contemporary Industrial Relations 2
PIED2139 The Labour Party Since 1945 2
PIED2220 North-South Linkages 2
SLSP2146 Crime, Race and Ethnicity 2
SLSP2151 Debates in Childhood and Youth 2
SLSP2651 Key Debates in Social Policy 2
ARAB3110 Middle Eastern Politics: Regimes, Societies and Conflict 3
EAST3252 Modern Japanese History 3
EDUC3903 Children, Families and Cultural Diversity: Philosophical Perspectives 3
FOAH3150 Religion and Violence 3
GEOG3291 Geographies of Global Insecurities: New Dynamics 3
HIST3450 American History, American Historians 3
HIST3710 Nazism, Stalinism and the Rise of the Total State 3
HIST3723 Apartheid in South Africa: Origins, Impact and Legacy 3
HIST3728 The Breaking of Contemporary Britain: Challenges from the Post-War Period 3
HIST3999 Doomed to Failure? European Great Power Politics from Bismarck to the Outbreak of World War I 3
LUBS3001 Gender and Equality at Work in Comparative Perspective 3
LUBS3002 Diversity Management 3
LUBS3097 Global Perspectives on Work 3
LUBS3855 Strategic Human Resource Management 3
PIED3158 British Foreign Policy 3
PIED3171 The Politics of national identity in the UK 3
PIED3207 International Development and Social Policy 3
PIED3261 Violence and Reconciliation in Africa 3
PIED3325 Europe in the World 3
PIED3611 Radical Political Ideas 3
PIED3810 Video Games: Politics, Society and Culture 3
SLSP3211 State Crime and Immorality 3