Culture and Critique
Engage with the dynamic, controversial and revolutionary aspects of culture by questioning what you see and hear.
We live in a global world, but does that mean that all cultures are the same? Or are they as diverse and distinctive, as confusing and complex as the people and nations they represent? Investigate the ways in which culture shapes and is shaped by the context in which it is created. Develop your critical skills by investigating the assumptions that lie within cultural practices. Engage with the ways in which the arts reinforce or challenge social norms.
Culture and Critique modules
20 modules available
This information is for the 2024/25 academic year.
If you are an incoming year one student, you should only choose level 1 modules.
Module Code | Module Title | Level |
ARAB1150 | Early and Medieval Islamic History | 1 |
ARAB1171 | Studying the Middle East and North Africa | 1 |
CLAS1300 | The Greek World: an Introduction | 1 |
CLAS1650 | Introduction to Classical Archaeology | 1 |
FOAH1100 | Creative Africas: Culture and the Arts in Modern Africa | 1 |
FREN1020 | Introduction to French Studies (Resistance and Desire) | 1 |
ITAL1025 | Exploring Italy: Introduction to Italian Culture and Society | 1 |
ITAL1040 | Italy from Fascism to the Present | 1 |
PECI1240 | Introduction to Musical Theatre | 1 |
PECI1706 | Managing Festivals and Events | 1 |
THEO1133 | Introduction to Christian Theology | 1 |
CLAS2350 | Herodotus and the Beginning of History | 2 |
CLAS2410 | Roman Comedy | 2 |
EAST2008 | The Making of Modern Thailand | 2 |
MEDV2085 | Medieval Narratives in the Modern World: Nationalism, Terrorism, Popular Culture | 2 |
CLAS3350 | Herodotus and the Beginning of History | 3 |
ENGL3294 | The Politics of Language | 3 |
MODL3200 | Representing the Holocaust: Transgression and the Taboo | 3 |
PIED3810 | Video Games: Politics, Society and Culture | 3 |
SLSP3995 | Ethnicity and Popular Culture | 3 |