Pluralism, Toleration and Diversity

“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal.” (J. F. Kennedy)

Are difference and diversity concepts to be cherished and celebrated or feared? Track responses to pluralism, racism, colonialism and inclusion across time and cultures.

Think about the ideological positions behind some of the arguments. Broaden your horizons and put yourself in someone else’s shoes.

Pluralism, Toleration and Diversity modules:

43 modules available.

This information is for the 2024/25 academic year.


Module Code Module Title Level
ARAB1150 Early and Medieval Islamic History 1
CLAS1300 The Greek World: an Introduction 1
CLAS1400 The Roman World: An Introduction 1
FOAH1100 Creative Africas: Culture and the Arts in Modern Africa 1
HIST1060 Faith, Knowledge and Power, 1500-1750 1
HPSC1015 Magic, Science and Religion 1
LLLC1304 Islam in Western Societies 1
LLLC1321 Women, Culture and Islam 1
PHIL1080 The Good, the Bad, the Right, the Wrong 1
PIED1201 Global Development Challenges 1
PIED1212 Making of the Modern World 1
PIED1601 Freedom, Power and Resistance: An Introduction to Political Ideas 1
PIED1806 Contemporary Africas: Politics, Society and the Environment 1
THEO1133 Introduction to Christian Theology 1
THEO1177 Religion, Politics and Society in the Modern World 1
THEO1900 Introduction to South Asian Religions 1
THEO1960 Religion in Modern Britain 1
ARAB2190 Global Jihad: From the Taliban to ISIS 2
ARAB2310 Modern Middle Eastern History 2
HIST2030 The Crusades and the Crusader States in the 12th Century 2
HIST2430 The History of Africa since 1900 2
IDEA2001 Love: Ethical, Social and Political Issues 2
PECI2714 Politics, Identity and Performance 2
PIED2601 Revolution and Reaction: Political Problems in the 20th Century 2
PIED2602 Justice, Community and Conflict 2
PRHS2000 Human Rights and Religion 2
SLSP2146 Crime, Race and Ethnicity 2
SLSP2731 Central Problems in Sociology 2
THEO2720 Religion, Gender and Society 2
ARAB3072 Islam and Modernity 3
CLAS3740 Greek Religion 3
EAST3707 Buddhism: A Lived Tradition 3
EDUC3903 Children, Families and Cultural Diversity: Philosophical Perspectives 3
FOAH3150 Religion and Violence 3
HIST3710 Nazism, Stalinism and the Rise of the Total State 3
HIST3723 Apartheid in South Africa: Origins, Impact and Legacy 3
LUBS3001 Gender and Equality at Work in Comparative Perspective 3
LUBS3002 Diversity Management 3
MEDV3411 Medieval Women Mystics: Visionaries, Saints and Heretics 3
PIED3207 International Development and Social Policy 3
PIED3611 Radical Political Ideas 3
PIED3640 Ethics and Politics of Human Rights 3
THEO3280 Religion, Politics and the Future 3