Explore support

You are not alone. If you’ve experienced any kind of violence, abuse, bullying, harassment, sexual misconduct or discrimination, we’re here for you. We can help however feels right to you, whether you want to explore support options, make a formal report, or just talk.  

If you need immediate help or are in danger, consider calling 999, or if you're on campus or in residence, call campus security at 0113 343 2222. 

The Harassment and Misconduct team are here for you 

The Harassment and Misconduct team are the recommended first point of contact for any student who has been impacted by violence, abuse, bullying, harassment or discrimination. You don’t have to make a formal report to access their services. With your consent the team of specialist advisors can help you with:   

  • Offering confidential advice and info to help you decide what’s right for you 
  • Navigating academic accommodations or living concerns 
  • Being referred to counselling, medical and legal services 
  • Accessing self-care support 
  • Providing info and educational information 
  • Making a formal complaint or report, on-campus or off 
  • Being there to listen  

Talk to a specialist advisor

Complete the disclosure form.

The best way to get in touch with the Harassment and Misconduct team is to complete the disclosure form. The disclosure form is confidential and is not a formal report or complaint – the information will only be used by the Harassment and Misconduct team to understand what you’ve experienced so they can best support you. After completing the disclosure form, a specialist advisor will contact you within one working day to arrange a confidential appointment.  

Want to know more about the team? Meet our specialist advisors in the Harassment and Misconduct team.

Tell us anonymously 

If you don't feel comfortable sharing your contact information, that’s ok. Telling us anonymously helps us understand what’s happening in our community so we can monitor trends and take action to prevent harmful behaviours at Leeds. You can still access support from the Harassment and Misconduct team and other support services now or any time in the future. 

Telling us anonymously is different than making a formal report. If you would like to make a formal report, this page has more information about formal reporting options on campus and in the community.  

Complete the anonymous disclosure form

Explore support options 

Your next steps are entirely your choice and there's plenty of other support available to you on campus and beyond. Explore the range of support to find what service or combination of services is most helpful for you. To talk through support options and get confidential advice, contact the Harassment and Misconduct team at reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk.  

On campus support 

Harassment and Misconduct Team  

Email: reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk  

The Harassment and Misconduct team are the University’s specialist advisors who offer confidential support to students in our community impacted by violence, bullying, harassment and discrimination. With your consent they can help you with:   

  • Offering confidential advice and info to help you decide what’s right for you 
  • Navigating academic accommodations or living concerns 
  • Being referred to counselling, medical and legal services 
  • Accessing self-care support 
  • Providing info and educational information 
  • Making a formal complaint or report, on-campus or off 
  • Being there to listen 

Student Counselling and Wellbeing 

Email: scw@leeds.ac.uk 

Website: https://students.leeds.ac.uk/counsellingandwellbeing  

Student Counselling and Wellbeing offers one to one and group based emotional, wellbeing and mental health support, both in person and online. This includes a daily Wellbeing Drop In; individual Brief Counselling and Wellbeing appointments and longer-term Mental Health support for students with more serious and enduring mental illness. The service is confidential and they will not share any information about you or your situation unless you want them to, or where there is an immediate risk to your or someone else’s life or safety. 

Leeds University Union (LUU) Help and Support team 

Phone: +44 113 3801 400 

Email: advice@luu.leeds.ac.uk 

Location: Advice room in the LUU foyer 

Website: https://www.luu.org.uk/help-support/  

LUU’s Help and Support team are independent of the University and offer you can support on a range of practical issues. This includes support with upcoming deadlines, finances and accommodation. They can also make referrals to other support agencies and help you with making a complaint. The team have a daily drop-in service and work with other partners to deliver specialist drop-in services. The service is confidential and no information will be shared about you without your permission, unless you or someone else are at immediate risk. 

Support in your school

You may feel comfortable to talk to your Academic Personal Tutor or Student Support Officer. They can make referrals to other specialist services. They can also talk through your options if your studies have been impacted. You may be able to ask for mitigating circumstances for upcoming deadlines. It is really important you speak to someone before you sit any exams or submit work. 

Placements, Study Abroad or Apprenticeships

Phone: +44 113 3801 400 

Email: advice@luu.leeds.ac.uk 

Location: Advice room in the LUU foyer 

Website: https://www.luu.org.uk/help-support/

As a Leeds Student you can access the free, independent and confidential help from professional advisors throughout your time at the university - even when you on not on campus e.g. with an employer, abroad or on a placement. You can contact your named co-ordinator or tutor or get in touch with the Global Opportunities team or for independent advice and support you can contact LUU advice.

Postgraduate Supervisor

Website: https://students.leeds.ac.uk/contactyourschool

If you are a postgraduate research student, you may want to talk to your Supervisor about what has happened as they play a crucial role in supporting you with both the academic and pastoral elements of your studies. Your Graduate School can also help advise you on your options for taking some time away from your studies, can explain how to ask for additional time to complete work and can also organise, or suggest, emotional and wellbeing support.

Support in Residences

Phone: 0113 343 2222 

Email: ResidenceLife@leeds.ac.uk

Website: https://accommodation.leeds.ac.uk/residence-contacts

If you live in a university halls of residence, you can contact your Residence Life Wardens who can offer support and signposting guidance. They hold advisory sessions and normally you don’t require an appointment to attend. To find out which Residence Life Warden(s) look after your residence and when they are available, visit contacts page and select your residence from the drop down menu. If for any reason you are unable to reach a Warden, you can email Residence Life via ResidenceLife@leeds.ac.uk or out of hours, call security via 0113 343 2222

Faith-based support

Universities Chaplaincy team

Email: Chaplaincy@leeds.ac.uk

Website: https://unichaplaincy.org.uk/

They offer a confidential, pastoral care and spiritual support to students of all faiths and to those who have no religious beliefs.

Muslim Student Adviser

Email: F.Yaqoob@leeds.ac.uk

Fahat Yaqoob offers pastoral and spiritual support and connects people from all backgrounds through Unity communications and activities.

Jewish Chaplaincy

Websites: https://www.mychaplaincy.co.uk/ and/or https://www.mychaplaincy.co.uk/about-us/rabbinic-chaplaincy-couples/leeds-and-yorkshire/

Chaplains and chaplaincy couples offer support to Jewish students of all backgrounds and affiliations. For further information please visit the national University Jewish Chaplaincy website and/or the Jewish chaplaincy in the Leeds and Yorkshire areas.

Sexual assault, harassment and misconduct support 

The Hazlehurst Centre: Help is available 24 hours a day. In Leeds, our local SARC has information on how to book an appointment and what to expect when you are there.

GP Services: You may want to consider accessing medical services from your local GP, including Leeds Student Medical Practice.

SARSVL: Support After Rape and Sexual Violence Leeds is a Rape Crisis Centre that supports women and girls who have experienced sexual violence at any time of their life. They are trans-inclusive service that provides information, advocacy and counselling.

Shantona: Shantona's ISVA service provides specialist free and confidential support to girls and young women age 13 to 25, from culturally diverse communities.

Galop: This LGBT+ anti-abuse charity supports LGBT+ victims/survivors of sexual abuse and violence. Their helpline is available Monday - Friday by calling 0800 999 5428, emailing help@galop.org.uk or via webchat. More information on their helpline including opening hours is available on their website.

Basis Yorkshire: provides safety, information and support to women and young people.

Survivors UK: is a national charity that support male victims of sexual assault or abuse. Locally, victims/survivors can access support from Survivors West Yorkshire and Ben's Place.

Sexual Health Support: If you're worried about Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), HIV or pregnancy, you can access testing/screening and contraception from MESMAC. There is also information in relation to group support.

Women's Night Safe Space: A non-judgemental safe bus for women to seek refuge, support and advice in the city centre at night time. Support includes: mobile phone charging facilities, water, refreshments and warm drinks, support calling a taxi and somewhere to talk through concerns and be signposted for further support. 

Domestic violence support 

Leeds Domestic Violence Service (LDVS) supports all people in Leeds affected by domestic violence and abuse. Whatever you may be going through, they are here to listen without judgement and support. You can find out more about how they can support you by calling the 24 hour helpline on 0113 246 0401, emailing at hello@ldvs.uk or taking a look around their website for more information.

HALT Domestic Violence (Help, Advice and the Law Team) offers information, advice, advocacy. HALT delivers the Independent Domestic Violence Advisors (IDVA) service as part of LDVS offering support to those at the highest risk of domestic and sexual violence and abuse, stalking, forced marriage and honour based violence. You can self-refer to their service by calling 0113 246 0401. More information is available on their website.

National Stalking Helpline is run by the Suzy Lampugh Trust. They offer advice, support and guidance if you feel you are being stalked or have concerns about someone's behaviour.  For more information please visit National Stalking Helpline | Suzy Lamplugh Trust.

If you need to speak to someone, Victim Support are available every day, night and day. Call their free and 24 hour Supportline on 08 08 16 89 111 or start a live chat any time. You can also find out the different ways you can get confidential and free support.

Clare's Law (Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS)) is a police policy giving people the right to know if their current or ex-partner has any previous history of violence or abuse. Read more here.

Karma Nirvana is the first specialist charity for victims and survivors of Honour Based Abuse in the UK. You can call their UK Helpline: 0800 5999 247 or get help from their website.

Women's Night Safe Space: A non-judgemental safe bus for women to seek refuge, support and advice in the city centre at night time. Support includes: mobile phone charging facilities, water, refreshments and warm drinks, support calling a taxi and somewhere to talk through concerns and be signposted for further support. 

Bullying and harassment supports 

Victim Support is an independent charity for victims and witnesses of crime. They offer free, confidential help to anyone who’s been affected by sexual harassment. Call 08 08 16 89 111 or go to Victim Support's website.

Operated by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, the National Stalking Helpline gives practical information, support, and advice on risk, safety planning and legislation to victims of stalking, their friends, family, and professionals working with victims. You can call the helpline on 0808 802 0300 or complete their self assessment tool. More information can be found on their website.

National Bullying Helpline provides assistance to individuals struggling with bullying issues, whatever the nature of the abuse. Call 0300 323 0169, Monday - Friday 9am until 5pm or go to National Bullying Helpline's website.

Support Line provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue. The Helpline is primarily a preventative service and aims to support people before they reach the point of crisis. They offer specific guidance in relation to stalking and harassment and bullying.

Equality Advisory Support Service discrimination helpline can provide advice and information on discrimination in employment, housing, education, transport and cases where you may have been discriminated against. More information can be found on the Citizen's Advice website.

Women's Night Safe Space: A non-judgemental safe bus for women to seek refuge, support and advice in the city centre at night time. Support includes: mobile phone charging facilities, water, refreshments and warm drinks, support calling a taxi and somewhere to talk through concerns and be signposted for further support. 

Explore formal reporting options 

There are formal reporting options on campus and off. Navigating formal reporting options can be overwhelming, and depending on your circumstances, there may be other reporting options available to you. For confidential support with understanding and making a formal report, contact the Harassment and Misconduct team at reportandsupport@leeds.ac.uk

On campus 

Students can make a formal complaint to the University through the Student Complaints Procedure

Off campus

You can also report an incident to the police.  

If you are reporting an incident of sexual violence 

It may take longer to get an in-person appointment with our campus police liaison. If you are reporting an incident of sexual violence, it's important to report the incident as quickly as possible. All sexual violence evidence must be collected within two weeks, and waiting for an in-person appointment may mean the police cannot collect evidence.