Business Advice and Mentoring

In the past two years over 100 businesses have been successfully started with some receiving national recognition/coverage. All these businesses have benefited from expert and experienced advisers.

Our pre-start-up advisers can help you to consider:

  • Your ideas
  • What is motivating you to start your own business
  • What skills you have in order to start your business
  • Our resident Business advisers can take you through all stages of business planning providing specific and confidential advice including finance, business planning and marketing.

In addition to our full-time Spark team, we also have links with a range of specialist external advisers including solicitors, accountants, intellectual property (IP) experts, marketing and business mentors to give you and your business all the help you need.

Specialist Advisor

If you feel you are currently at the stage in your entrepreneurial journey where you feel it will be beneficial for you to speak to an adviser, please follow the link below to book an appointment.

Click here to register for specialist advisor. It’s free and confidential!



Tel: 0113 3432551  (Mon-Fri 9.00am - 4.00pm)

Angela Archer

Matthew Preston 
