Your academic personal tutor

Your relationship with your Academic Personal Tutor is a very important one. This academic colleague from your School will work in partnership with you, helping you to maximise your success and to ensure you feel you belong as a member of the vibrant academic community here at Leeds.

Why do I have an academic personal tutor and how can they help?

Working in partnership and through regular contact you will develop a professional and supportive relationship with your academic personal tutor. They will: 

  • Assist you in reviewing your academic progress, helping you to develop independent learning skills  

  • Encourage you to reflect on your learning, both within and beyond the formal curriculum, and to consider how it contributes to your future development and career  

  • Support your personal and professional development providing initial advice and signposting to careers guidance, co-curricular opportunities and other services  

  • Listen. Adjusting to University life can be challenging. There may be times when you would like support in relation to circumstances impacting on your studies. If you are feeling stressed or anxious you can turn to your Academic Personal Tutor, they will be able to make referrals to other services in the School, Faculty and wider University as appropriate.  

Why should I attend my academic personal tutor appointments?

It can take a little time and effort to build a good partnership with your academic personal tutor, but it’s worth it!  

They are often well connected and can give you advice, guidance and encouragement, helping you to address quickly any challenges you experience, enabling you to succeed and make the most of your time at Leeds.  

Find out more about academic personal tutoring in your School on the Welcome, Induction and Transition pages

Tips for making the most of your academic personal tutor appointment

It’s a two-way partnership. Optimise your experience by taking responsibility for your academic, personal and professional development by:  

  • Attending and actively participating - following the commitments of the University Partnership framework. Confirm in advance non-attendance with good reason and ask to arrange an alternative time 

  • When preparing for meetings take time to work through the ‘My APT’ section. It provides a space for you to record things you might like to discuss with your academic personal tutor. The other sections of the workbook provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your experiences throughout your time at Leeds and record co-curricular activities and skills development. Log in to PebblePad and select ‘resources’ to find your workbook. If you are a new student, please select the LeedsforLife UG Workbook. If you are a returning student, find more information about accessing your workbook.

  • Familiarise yourself with StREAM@Leeds, your personalised learning analytics dashboard. It provides visualisations summarising how you interact with the University’s Digital Education systems, such as Minerva, virtual classrooms (like BlackBoard Collaborate, MS Teams and Zoom) and Library eResources. This can help you understand how you learn best and identify any individualised support you may need – giving you increased autonomy over your learning. You can discuss your Learning Analytics dashboard with your academic personal tutor. Visit the DES help site to find out more about StREAM@Leeds

  • Using resources such as  MyCareer and other online resources .

  • Informing your personal tutor, at the earliest opportunity, of any circumstances that are affecting your ability to study, so that you can be supported appropriately  

  • Following up on agreed 'next steps' - bring any outcomes ready for discussion at the next meeting  

  • Staying in touch - engage with any communications between meetings  

  • Requesting additional meetings with your academic personal tutor regarding specific welfare or academic issues  

If you have concerns about the academic personal tutor process, you can discuss these with your Student Support Office