Recommended resources and self help materials

Enhancing your personal understanding and management of common difficulties can help improve your overall wellbeing and make the most of your university experience.

We have compiled a range of resources that we hope you will find helpful and interesting.

This list is not exhaustive and we recommend that you seek advice from your GP if you have concerns about your physical or emotional wellbeing.

Abuse, assault and harassment

Abuse, assault and harassment may take a number of forms. The following resources may assist you in understanding and responding to experiences of abuse and the impact these experiences may have upon your adult life and wellbeing. Topics in this section include bullying and harassment, childhood sexual abuse, domestic abuse, FGM, forced marriage and honour-based abuse, hate crime, and rape and sexual assault. 

Report and Support

What ACEs/PCEs do you have?

Domestic abuse: how to get help (GOV.UK)

Domestic Abuse (West Yorkshire Police)

Forced Marriage (West Yorkshire Police)

GALOP – the LGBT+ anti-abuse charity

The Hazlehurst Centre

Karma Nirvana

Leeds Domestic Violence Service

Mankind Initiative

Men’s Advice Line

Muslim Youth Helpline


Help after rape and sexual assault (NHS)


Respect Phoneline

Revenge Porn Helpline

Safe Spaces Scheme

SARSAS sel-help guide to support after rape and sexual abuse

SARSAS self-help guide for men & boys

Self-help resource guide (London Survivors Gateway)

Support After Rape & Sexual Violence Leeds


Survivors UK or Survivors UK West Yorkshire

Victim Support

Women’s Aid

Women's Therapy Leeds

Information and support for friends and family 

The Havens

SARSAS guide to supporting the person you care about

Sexual harassment and violence abroad 

If the incident happened in another country and you are still there, you can contact the local British Consulate or Embassy for assistance, including medical and legal help. 

The Rape Crisis Network Europe


Breaking Free: Help for Survivors Of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Ainscough & Toon (2000) Sheldon Press 

Breaking Free Workbook: Ainscough & Toon (2000) Sheldon Press 

Overcoming Childhood Trauma: Kennerley (2000) Constable & Robinson 

Psychopath Free: Mackenzie (2015) Penguin 

The Rape Recovery Handbook: Step by step help for survivors of sexual assault: Matsakis (2003) New Harbinger 

The Survivor’s Guide: to recovery from rape and sexual abuse: Kelly, & Maxted, et al (2005) Rugby Rosa 

Addictions and harmful behaviours 

There are many ways in which you may learn to manage challenging emotions and situations. At times, these strategies may be harmful and maintain your difficulties rather than ease them. Behavioural responses may take a number of forms, eg alcohol and drug abuse, deliberate self-injury or gambling.  

If you are experiencing difficulty with behaviours that you feel have become harmful, you may find the following resources helpful in enhancing your understanding and management of problematic behaviours and addictions. 

Alcohol and drugs


Alcoholics Anonymous

Al-Anon UK

Drugs and Me


Forward Leeds

Narcotics Anonymous


Smart Recovery


Bottled Up: McMahon & Lewis (2010) Lion 

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: Discovering a happy, healthy, wealthy alcohol-free life: Catherine Gray (2017) Octopus  

Deliberate self-injury



Self Injury Support


Cutting: Understanding and overcoming self-mutilation: Steven Levenkron (1999) W.W.Norton and Company 

Healing the Hurt Within: 3rd edition: Understand Self-injury and Self-harm, and Heal the Emotional Wounds: Jan Sutton (2007) How to Books  

Self-help for self-injury: a guide for women struggling with self-injury: Bristol Crisis Service for Women 


Calm Harm


Gamblers Anonymous


Help for problem gambling (NHS)

Money Information Centre

Sexual behaviours  

Safer Lives

Sex Addicts Anonymous in the UK

Sexual Advice Association

Anxiety, panic and stress 

Anxiety and stress are natural responses that are generally helpful in assisting us to respond to potentially dangerous situations. At times, we may feel that a situation exceeds our perceived capacity to cope and lead to overwhelming feelings of anxiety, panic or stress.

The following resources may assist you in understanding and managing a range of anxiety and stress-based difficulties, including Generalised and Social Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive disorders, panic, stress and worry.


Anxiety (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Anxiety Leeds

Anxiety Self Help

Health Anxiety (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Student stress (NHS)


Anxiety at University: Student Wellbeing Series: Thompson (2019) Trigger  

The Anxiety and Phobia Workbook: Bourne (2015) New Harbinger Publications 

Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway: Jeffers (2007) Vermillion  

Overcoming Anxiety: Kennerley (2014) Constable & Robinson 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder  

OCD Action



Break Free from OCD: Challacombe & Oldfield et al (2011) Vermilion 

Overcoming Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Veale and Wilson (2009) Robinson 


No Panic

Panic (Centre for Clinical Interventions)


Overcoming Panic and Agoraphobia: Silove & Manicavasagar (2009) Basic Books 

Panic Attacks: Christine Ingram (2014) HarperCollins  

The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook: Davis, Robbins et al (2019) New Harbinger Publications  

Teach Yourself Managing Stress: Looker & Gregson (2010) Hodder Arnold  

Social anxiety  

Social Anxiety (Centre for Clinical Interventions)



Overcoming Social Anxiety & Shyness: Butler (2016) Constable & Robinson  

Quiet: Cain (2013) Penguin 

TED Talks 

How to make stress your friend

What fear can teach us








Rational CBT/REBT 

SAM: Self-help for anxiety management  


Stop Panic and Anxiety 

Bereavement and loss 

The loss of loved one or someone we know can bring a range of emotions that may feel intense or unfamiliar. Experiences of loss and the feelings that loss can evoke may be especially stressful during your time at university. The following resources may provide you with support during or following a bereavement.  

Coping With Bereavement at University or College

Cruse Bereavement Support

The Five Stages of Grief (Very Well Mind)

The Good Grief Trust

Grief Support for Young Adults

Hope Again

How to Deal with Grief and Loss (Young Minds)

Leeds Suicide Bereavement Service

Sadness, grief and being there (Church of England)

Seven ways to say goodbye to a loved one without words

The Student Grief Network

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

Support After Murder and Manslaughter

Why ceremonies and rituals are still important today

What's Your Grief?


A Special Scar: The experiences of people bereaved by suicide: Wertheimer (2013) Routledge  

Facing Grief: Bereavement and the Young Adult: Wallbank (1991) Lutterworth Press 

Grief Day by Day: Simple Practices for Living with Loss: Jan Warner & Amanda Bearse (2018) Althea Press 

How To Go On Living When Someone You Love Dies: Rando (1998) Bantam  

On Grief and Grieving: Finding meaning of grief through the five stages of loss: Kubler-Ross (2014) Scribner Book Company 

On the Death of a Parent: McLoughlin (Ed) (1994) Virago Press  

Overcoming Grief: Morris (2008) Robinson  

The Other Side of Sadness: What the New Science of Bereavement Tells Us About Life After Loss: Bonanno (2010) Basic Books 

Surviving the Tsunami of Grief: For the Bereaved and Those Wanting to Support Them: Katrina Taee and Wendelien McNicoll (2019) NewAct Publishing 

TED Talks 

We don’t ‘move on’ from grief. We move forward with it.


Griefcast: Cariad Lloyd (2018)

Body image and healthy relationships with food 

Our eating habits and the relationship we have with food and our bodies accompany us throughout our lives and, at times, may feel problematic. The following resources may help you in understanding and improving your relationship with food, your body and your body image.

These resources are not designed to replace professional medical advice. If you have concerns regarding your eating habits and your relationship with food, it may be advisable to seek advice and support from your GP or medical professional.

Appearance Concerns (Centre for Clinical Interventions)


Body Dysmorphia (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Body Gossip

The Body Positive

Disordered Eating (Centre for Clinical Interventions)


The Yorkshire Centre for Eating Disorders (NHS)

The Recover Clinic


Talk ED

Ugly Me: My Life with Body Dysmorphia


Getting Better Bite by Bite: A survival kit for sufferers of Bulimia Nervosa and binge eating disorders: Schmidt & Treasure et al (2015) Psychology Press 

On Eating: Orbach (2002) Penguin Books 

Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa - A self help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques: Freeman & Cooper (2019) Robinson 

Overcoming Overeating: Hirschman & Munter (2000) Da Capo/Lifelong 

The Time In Between: A Memoir of Hunger and Hope: Tucker (2016) Icon Books 

The Invisible Man: A self-help guide for men with eating disorders, compulsive exercise and bigorexia: Morgan (2008) Routledge 

Understanding Your Eating: How to Eat and not Worry About It: Buckroyd (2011) Open University Press 

TED Talks 

Why thinking you’re ugly is bad for you


Recovery Record 


Confidence, assertiveness and self-esteem 

Confidence and assertiveness are skills that can be learned and can nurture positive self-esteem. Confidence in yourself and your abilities can enable you to do the things you would like to and confront new and unfamiliar challenges and activities. The following resources have been selected to help you develop these skills. 

Assertiveness (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Gratitude Journal

Self Esteem (Centre for Clinical Interventions)


Assert Yourself: Lindenfield (2001) Harper Collins  

Change for the Better: Wilde McCormick (2017) Sage  

Helping Adolescents and Adults to Build Self-Esteem: Plummer (2014) Jessica Kingsley Publishers 

Overcoming Low Self-Esteem: Fennell (2016) Constable & Robinson  

Self Esteem: Simple Steps to Develop Self-worth and Heal Emotional Wounds: Lindenfield (2000) Harper Collins  

Self Esteem: McKay & Fanning (2016) New Harbinger Pubs  

What Will People Think? How to be confident in yourself and stop worrying about what people think: Sharma (2020)  

TED Talks 

Dare to disagree

The power of introverts

The power of vulnerability

Your body language may shape who you are


Personal Zen

Crisis and emergency

There may be times when you feel unable to cope or when you experience frightening or suicidal thoughts or behaviours that evoke fears regarding your ability to keep yourself safe.

It is important that you keep yourself safe. In the event of an emergency, please contact: 

Crisis intervention online 


SHOUT 85258


Suicide prevention



Depression and low mood

As human beings, we are designed to respond to experiences and life events, and to experience a range of emotions, thoughts and sensations – some enjoyable, and at times, some challenging or painful. Feelings of sadness and low mood may feel intense or persist for more sustained periods of time, manifesting as depression and/or getting in the way of enjoying and engaging in daily life, relationships and activities.

There are a wealth of resources available to help you understand and manage low mood and depression, including local and national services, literature, online resources and applications.  

Depression (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Students Against Depression

Student Minds


Dealing with depression: Shreeve (2010) Piatkus  

Depression @ University: Student Wellbeing Series: Thompson (2019) Trigger 

Depression - The Way out of Your Prison: Rowe (2003) Brunner Routledge  

I Had a Black Dog: Matthew Johnstone (2007) Robinson  

Mind Over Mood: Change How You Feel By Changing the Way You Think: Greenberger & Padesky (2015) The Guildford Press 

Overcoming Depression: Gilbert (2009) Robinson  

Seasonal Affective Disorder 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (Mind)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (NHS)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (Royal College of Psychiatrists)


Black Rainbow 

Catch it 

Mood Gym 


Mood Panda 



What’s Up

Enhancing and enjoying your academic experience

Your studies here at the University of Leeds will provide you with the opportunity to have an enjoyable and challenging exploration of your chosen field of interest. At times, the demands of your studies may prove difficult. The  following resources may help you understand and manage your academic performance and the emotions and anxieties that may arise, particularly at key times in the academic calendar. Topics in this section include exam stress, procrastination, and time management. 

Exam Stress (Student Minds)

Marinara Timer

Perfectionism (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Procrastination (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

The Pomodoro Technique


The Antidote: Happiness for people who can't stand positive thinking: Oliver Burkeman (2018) Canongate Books 

Beating the Comfort Trap: Windy Dryden and Jack Gordon (1993) Sheldon Press 

The Chimp Paradox: Prof Steve Peters (2012) Ebury Publishing 

Isn’t it about time: How to stop putting things off and get on with your life: Andrea Perry (2002) Worth Publishing 

Writing your Dissertation in Fifteen Minutes a Day: Joan Bolker (1998) 

Emotional intelligence and resilience 

Emotions possess the power to be enjoyable, providing colour and texture within our human experience. The capacity to recognise, understand and manage our emotions offers the potential to enhance our relationship with ourselves and others, the quality of our lives and overall wellbeing. 

The following resources have been selected to encourage personal insight and understanding of emotions, and to enhance the capacity for emotional regulation, resilience and nurturing self-compassion and a growth mindset. 

Anger Self-Help Guide

Compassion Self-Help

The Growth Mindset

How to cope with anger (Mind)

Getting Your Anger Under Control

Resilience Toolkit

Importance of Self-Care (Students Against Depression)


Self-Compassion (Centre for Clinical Interventions)


Destructive Emotions and How We Can Overcome Them: A dialogue with the Dalai Lama: Goleman (2003) Bloomsbury 

Emotional Resilience: How to safeguard your mental health: Barry (2018) Orion Spring 

Life: You Can't Stop the Waves But You Can Learn How to Surf!: Shervington & Seymour (2012) MX Publishing  

Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential: Dweck (2017) Robinson 

Mindfulness and the Art of Anger Management: Fisher (2018) Leaping Hare Press 

Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness: Tan (2012) Harper Collins 

The Silent Guides: The new book from the author of The Chimp Paradox: Professor Steve Peters (2018) Lagom 

The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions: Germer (2009) The Guildford Press 

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook: A Proven Way to Accept Yourself, Build Inner Strength, and Thrive: Neff & Germer (2018) The Guildford Press 

TED Talks 

The gift and power of emotional courage

Why we get mad – and why it’s healthy

The Power of belief – mindset and success


Mood Meter


We are each unique individuals consisting of multiple aspects of ourselves, which together form our sense of identity. Understanding our sense of identity and its formation can help us to better understand who we are and create authentic ways of being, living and relating. The following resources and materials have been selected to help enhance personal understanding and to encourage contact with forums and societies that may enhance a sense of connection and community.


AGE UK Advice Line

Hidden abuse: older women


I’m not your inspiration, thank you very much – dealing with attitudes towards disability (TED Talk)

Disabled Liberation (LUU)


Racism and Mental Health (Mind)

Racism and Mental Health (Young Minds)

Asian Liberation (LUU)

Black Liberation (LUU)

Liberate Meditation


Gendered Intelligence

LGBTQ+ (Student Minds)

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline


MindLine Trans+



LGBTQ+ Liberation (LUU)

Trans Liberation (LUU)


Loving Ourselves - The Gay and Lesbian Self Esteem Book: Kimeron Hardin (2008) Alyson Books  

Transexed and Transgendered people: a guide: Purnell (2005) Glenys Conferences 


What is menopause? 

Menopause is a natural part of ageing when menstruation stops, which usually occurs between 45 and 55 years of age. In the UK, the average age for a woman to reach menopause is 51, but it can also happen much earlier and be impacting on your friends and family. 

Around 30-60% of women experience intermittent physical and/or psychological symptoms during menopause which can adversely affect both their personal and working life. The research refers to women and menopause as a women’s issue, however we recognise that other people may experience menopausal symptoms. This is an issue everyone should understand, irrespective of age or gender, and we want to change our culture so that menopause can be discussed and support requested without embarrassment.

Where to get personal support

If menopausal symptoms are affecting your wellbeing and capacity to carry out your studies, we encourage you to seek support. This may include: 

  • Seeing your GP for advice on available treatment options.

  • Discussing your practical needs with your academic personal tutor or programme support staff or another member of staff you feel comfortable talking to.

  • Seeking confidential support from Student Support Services.

Support on menopause for students 

Join the monthly Menopause for Thought Café which create time and a safe, respectful and confidential space to discuss menopause. The cafés are open to everyone irrespective of age or gender and no one is advised to follow any particular course of action in them. If you’d like to get involved and receive support and training to co-facilitate a café, contact Bee Macpherson or Bernadette Hardware.

External sources of information


Menopause (NHS)

Menopause: diagnosis and management (NICE)

Women’s Health Concern

Mental health  

Your mental health and wellbeing is an important part of your life and your experience at university.  

Whether working with the University Mental Health Advisors, external services or choosing to manage your diagnosis by yourself, the following organisations, resources and forums can help you understand and manage your mental health and wellbeing.

University of Leeds Mental Health Advisors

Beating Bipolar

Bipolar UK

Centre for Clinical Interventions

Every Mind Matters (NHS)

Heads Together

Mental Health

Mental Health Matters


National Institute of Mental Health



Student Minds

Time to Change


Young Minds

TED Talks 

A tale of mental illness

On being just crazy enough

The voices in my head

What’s so funny about mental illness?


Neurodiversity recognises and respects the diversity of neurological differences and the infinite variation of cognitive functioning experienced by human beings. The diversity of variation can include Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Dyscalculia, Autistic Spectrum, Tourette’s syndrome and others.

The Dyslexia Association

Help Guide (ADHD)

Leeds Autism AIM

Leeds Autism Services

Living Autism

Making Sense: A Guide to Living with Adult ADHD

Specialist Autism Services

Tourettes Action

Tourettes Hero


The Asperger Dictionary of Everyday Expressions: Stuart-Hamilton (2006) Jessica Kingsley Publishers 

What Men with Asperger’s Syndrome Want to Know About Women, Dating and Relationships: Aston (2012) Jessica Kingsley Publishers 

TED Talks 

How autism freed me to be myself

How I learned to communicate my inner life with Asperger's

The world needs all kinds of minds

Physical and sexual health 

The following resources have been selected to help you in responding to physical and sexual health needs. Further information regarding available support and resources within the University can be found on the Disability Services webpage.

Physical health 

Action for M.E.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (NHS)

Diabetes (NHS)

Epilepsy Society

Learning to live well with Chronic Illness/Conditions

Leeds Pain Service

The ME Association

Multiple Sclerosis Trust

Sexual health 

British Pregnancy and Advisory Service

Leeds Centre for Sexual Health

Leeds Sexual Health

Leeds Student Medical Practice – Contraception and Sexual Health

The Market Place


MSI Choices Leeds Abortion & Vasectomy Clinic


Relationships are an integral part of our lives. The quality of relational experiences and interpersonal interactions can impact, inform and influence the quality of past, present and future relationships with others and with ourselves. The following resources have been selected to help enhance personal and interpersonal awareness, communication, and relationships. 

Centre for Nonviolent Communication

Help Guide

Love is Respect

Marriage Care

Loneliness (Mind)


What Is Attachment Theory?


Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most: Bruce Patton, Douglas Stone, et al. (2011) Penguin Books 

Difficult Conversations: What to say in tricky situations without ruining the relationship: Dickson (2006) Piatkus 

How to cope with difficult parents: Dryden and Gorden (1995) Sheldon 

How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends: Gabor (2011) Sheldon  

Loving Yourself Loving Another: Julia Cole (2001) Vermillion  

Relating Skills: Richard Nelson-Jones (1996) 

Surviving a Borderline Parent: How to Heal Your Childhood Wounds and Build Trust, Boundaries and Self-Esteem: Roth & Friedman (2005) Raincoast Books 

The Drama of Being a Child: The Search for the True Self: Miller (1995) Virago 

Toxic Parents: Forward and Buck (2002) Bantam 

The Right To Speak - Working with the Voice: Patsy Rodenburg (2003) Methuen  

Women Who Love Too Much: Norwood (2004) Pocket Books 

TED Talks 

A better way to talk about love

The difference between healthy and unhealthy love

The science of attraction

The secret to living longer may be your social life

Resources for international students 

Our international community at the University of Leeds is made up of students from over 170 different countries. To study in an unfamiliar country is both exciting and challenging, but being away from the familiar can be unsettling and can heighten anxieties in times of stress. Articulating our feelings can be difficult, even without having to express ourselves in a different language or cope with cultural differences.

The following resources aim to provide support and information for international students. Many of these resources, including the audio files, are translated into multiple languages.

University of Leeds Global Community

LUU International Hub

LUU culture clubs and societies

Six support agencies that help international students (UCAS)

UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)

Mental health translations

5 Ways to Wellbeing (available in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Somalian and Tetum)

Health Information Translations (available in Arabic, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, English, French, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Nepali, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Vietnamese)

Royal College of Psychiatrists

Transcultural Mental Health Centre

Mindfulness program audio resources (available in English, Arabic and Bengali)

Practising Self Compassion

Mindful Breathing

Sitting with Difficult Emotions

Culture shock

Facing culture shock (UKCISA)

The W adaptation curve – a predictable pattern of stages experienced during culture shock (YouTube)

Studying abroad: culture shock (YouTube)

Resources for PGRs

Your PGR journey is distinct and can be challenging in many ways. Staying both mentally and physically healthy and maintaining a work life balance during the different stages of your research can help you achieve your full potential and enjoy the experience. The following resources are aimed at PGRs to help in supporting your wellbeing throughout your academic journey. 

Webinars for PGRs take place monthly and focus on a series of topics over the course of the academic year. Topics include balancing and managing the stress of completing a research degree, imposter syndrome and perfectionism. Details of future webinars and accompanying resources can be found on our Groups and Workshops page.

Imposter syndrome 

Coping with imposter syndrome in academia and research

Imposter Syndrome (Imperial College London)

PGR Experience: Battling Imposter Syndrome

TED Talks 

What is imposter syndrome and how can you combat it?


Are you a perfectionist? (University of Glasgow)

Perfectionism (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

The dangerous downsides of perfectionism (BBC)


When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough: Strategies for Coping with Perfectionism: Martin Anthony & Richard Swinson (2009) New Harbinger 


Procrastination (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Overcoming procrastination


Atomic Habits: An easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones: James Clear (2018) ISBN 9781473537804. 

TED Talks 

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

Wellbeing and mental health 

ADAPT to Thrive

The Growth Mindset

15 Ways to Build a Growth Mindset

PGR Catalyst Project

PhD Life

Protecting your Mental Health

The Thesis Whisperer

The Wellbeing Thesis

Wellbeing When Writing (University of Westminster)

How to balance your PhD and your social life

Work and PhD: Finding the balance

TED Talks 

The power of believing that you can improve

Successfully managing change and transition 

Change is a frequent and inevitable event in all of our lives. Leaving home and coming to university invites multiple changes, some anticipated and some unexpected, some enjoyed and some challenging. We may or may not seek change, or necessarily agree with it. The pace of change varies and involves a period of transition moving from the familiar through the unknown and onto establishing the new norm.  

The following resources have been selected to help you understand and successfully manage the move to university.  

Feeling at Home in Leeds

Looking After Yourself At Uni (Young Minds)

Starting University (Student Minds)

Top Tips for Starting at University

How to Cope with Student Life (Mind)

Resources for Young Adults Leaving Home for the First Time

Transitions (Student Minds)

UK Council for International Student Affairs

10 ways to deal with homesickness


A Guide to Uni Life: The one stop guide to what university is REALLY like: Lucy Tobin (2015) Trotman Publishing 

Fresher Pressure: Aiden McFarlane et al (1994) Oxford Paperbacks 

How to Survive University: An Essential Pocket Guide: Tamsin King (2016) Gift Books 

Letters to a Law Student: A guide to studying law at university: McBride (2017) Pearson 

Places of the Heart: Colin Ellard (2015) Bellevue Literary Press 

Resourcefulness @ University: Dr Dominique Thompson (2019) Trigger Publishing 

Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience Paperback: Yi-Fu Tuan (2001) University of Minnesota Press 

Starting University – Third Edition: (What to Expect, How to Prepare, Go and Enjoy): Melissa Scallan (2023) Katelli Publishing 

Staying Well and Safe @ University: Dr Dominique Thompson (2019) Trigger Publishing 

Uni Lifehacks: Insights from the UK's Most Successful Students: MacGill & Jacob (2017) 


Events perceived by the nervous systems as life threatening to ourselves, our loved ones or to others, can evoke a complex response that may feel debilitating or overwhelming. Trauma may be a single one-time event, a prolonged event, or a series of events over a lifetime. The following resources have been selected to help you understand your experience and to aid in alleviating some of the symptoms you may be experiencing in relation to trauma.  

Please note that these resources are not designed to be a replacement for professional medical advice.

Help Guide

Trauma (Mind)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Mind)

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (NHS)



8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery: Babette Rothschild (2010) 

Coping with Birth Trauma and Postnatal Depression: Lucy Jolin (2019) Sheldon 

Healing Trauma: Peter Levine (2008) Sounds True 

Onions: peeling back the layers - poetry in the process of recovering from trauma: Rebecca Anne Perry (2018) Perry 2 

Recovering from Trauma Workbook: A Journey of Healing for Addicts, Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACoAs) and Trauma Survivors: Dayton PhD (2016) Tian 

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma: Bessel van der Kolk (2014) Penguin 

Trauma is Really Strange: Stephen Haines (2019) Singing Dragon 

Trauma Survivors' Strategies for Healing: A Workbook to Help You Grow, Rebuild, and Take Back Your Life: Welsh PhD, Elena (2018) Althea Press 

TED Talks  

Art can heal PTSD’s invisible wounds

The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder


Wellbeing is a multifaceted concept consisting of our mind, body, emotion, spirit, relationships, and environment. Nurturing the fundamentals of self-care, such as exercise, nutrition, relationship, relaxation and sleep, can help to enhance a holistic sense of wellbeing and mental health.

Five ways to wellbeing (Mind)

Food and mood (Mind)

Food and Mood (British Dietetics Association)

How to cope with sleep problems (Mind)

How to look after your mental health using exercise

Keeping active

National Sleep Foundation

Sleep (Centre for Clinical Interventions)

Sleep and tiredness (NHS)

Sleeping Resources

The Sleep Council

Sleep Hygiene

Student Activities at LUU

5 steps to mental wellbeing (NHS)


Getting a Good Night’s Sleep: Fiona Johnston (2004) Random House 

The Exercise Effect on Mental Health: Neurobiological Mechanisms: Wegner & Budde (2018) Routledge 

Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Finding Peace in a Frantic World: Williams & Penman (2011) Piatkus 

The Little Book of Mindfulness: 10 minutes a day to less stress, more peace: Patrizia Collard (2014) Gaia Books 

Why We Sleep: The New Science of Sleep and Dreams: Matthew Walker (2017) Scribner 

TED Talks  

6 tips for better sleep

How sleep affects your emotions

How much sleep do you really need?

Sleep is your superpower


Spaceship You


Sleep with me – the podcast that puts you to sleep




Movement for Modern Life 

My Possible Self 
