Module enrolment for PGRs

As a postgraduate researcher, you can study taught modules in addition to your research if they are useful for your training and are approved by your supervisor. 

Studying modules without assessment (“auditing”)

You may wish to attend lectures or seminars which form part of a taught module to gain background knowledge, but do not require you to complete coursework or examination towards assessment of the module. This is called auditing a module. Your Graduate School will be able to advise on availability. 

Studying modules with assessment

Modules are normally taken during the first year of full-time study or the first and second year of part-time study. You should be aware that your first commitment is to your research project so should not undertake too much additional work. 

If you want to take an assessed taught module speak with your Graduate School. They will be able to advise you on availability and complete a module enrolment form. Please be aware that a fee could be charged.   

Research programmes with taught content

Some research programmes have compulsory taught elements. For instance, 1+3 programmes incorporate a masters level in the first year and are followed by three years of research study. PhD programmes in LUBS often include compulsory taught content in the first year and may include modules in subsequent years. For more information, please see the Training and development page on the LUBS website

If you are registered on a programme with compulsory taught content, your Graduate School will tell you everything you need to know about the modules and how to access the teaching.