
Vaccinations are an important part of taking responsibility for our health, and others. Being vaccinated before you come to University, or when you’re in Leeds is something we encourage.

It’s advised to get your vaccinations before coming to University. It can take a few weeks to build up your immunity. If you’re not able to, then register with a doctor when you get to Leeds. 

If you’re an international student travelling to Leeds from outside the UK, bring a record of your vaccinations with you together with other essential documents. Check our COVID-19 travel and safety requirements page for current guidance on travelling to the UK from abroad.

COVID-19 vaccinations

If you have already received a COVID-19 vaccination:

  • Bring evidence of any vaccinations you have already had against COVID-19, if you’re travelling to Leeds from outside the UK.

  • Register with a doctor and speak to your GP to find out how you can get your vaccinations added to your medical record. 

If you have not yet received a COVID-19 vaccination:

Check if you are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination. 

The COVID-19 vaccines currently available are given in two doses. You have the second dose 8  weeks after the first dose. You cannot usually choose which vaccine you have. If you book online, you'll only be offered appointments for vaccines that are suitable for you. However, there are circumstances in which specific vaccines are recommended.

To get your vaccine you can: 

You do not need to tell the University if you’ve been vaccinated. .


International students from listed countries need to be tested at a clinic that has been approved by the Home Office to be able to apply for their UK visa.

Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection spread through inhaling small droplets from the coughs or sneezes of an infected person. It mainly affects the lungs, but it can affect any part of the body, including the tummy (abdomen), glands, bones and nervous system. Often the symptoms can be similar to COVID-19.

Find out more and register and see a doctor if you are worried.


Public Health England recommends all adults up to 25 years of age to be immunised against meningitis. This vaccine also protects against septicaemia (blood poisoning).

If you haven’t had a Meningitis vaccination before coming to Leeds, make an appointment with your doctor to arrange this.

Meningococcal meningitis/septicaemia is an uncommon illness; however, it can be serious. People with meningitis can become ill very quickly and should seek urgent medical attention. It's important for you to know about the early signs of Meningococcal infection. These include; 

  • Severe headache 

  • A high temperature and/or vomiting 

  • Stiff neck, aching limbs or joints 

  • A dislike of bright lights (photophobia)

  • Drowsiness or confusion 

  • Muscle pains – especially in the legs 

  • A fine purple rash which does not fade when pressed with a glass  

Not all these symptoms need to be present in all cases. 

Many school pupils in the UK between 13 to 15 have already been vaccinated. If this is the case for you, you do not need to have the vaccine again.


In recent years, mumps has been on the increase. This is a disease that although is usually mild, can cause more significant infections for some people. 

Register with a doctor and get your vaccination as soon as you can.