
The Unity project highlights the shared values and commitment to inclusivity of our community at the University through a range of events.

Staff, students and friends of the University come together to create opportunities and events around the theme of unity. This has included seasonal lunches, picnics, stalls at events, and an art project across the University campus. 

Everyone involved in the project brings a different way to create more opportunities of unity building. Some are actively trying to understand the changing landscape we live in, and some are striving to improve themselves every day. Through this project, over 18 different partners and over 700 participants have taken part in Unity events so far.

Upcoming events

Email globalcommunity@leeds.ac.uk to sign up to our mailing list and receive information about  Unity events.

Support the project

To help make these events a success, there is the constant need for more volunteers, partnerships with faculties, services on campus and links with neighbouring communities.

If you are a student, member of staff, or friend of the University, contact globalcommunity@leeds.ac.uk to find out how you can get involved.