Description: Flat floored room - Moveable tables
- Capacity: 16
- Facilities: Blu-ray Player, Interactive Monitor, Laptop connection, Live streaming, Microphone - Lectern (Fixed), Multi region DVD player, Simultaneous writing/projection provision, Visualiser, Whiteboard
- Type of room: Flat floored room, Moveable tables
- Seating layout: Cabaret Style
- Lecture Capture grade:
- Department: General Teaching Space
- Directions: Through main door of house no 20, room G.08 is the second door on the right.
- Campus map:
- Accessibility: Assistive Listening System
- Accessibility information: This room is flat and is accessed via stairs up to the ground floor where this room is located. There is no wheelchair access. The chairs are the type with no arms. An infra red assistive listening system is fitted in this room. To use this facility an IR receiver is needed. If you have a receiver, you can sit anywhere in the room where you have a clear view of the presenter. For further advice on IR receivers or if your access needs arenメt addressed in the information above, please contact Disabled Students' Assessment and Support
- Accessibility directions: No wheelchair access to this room.
About Lecture Capture grades
- For bronze rooms
This room is set for lecture capture recording where voice, audio and the projected image are recorded. Use the lapel mic for optimal audio. Use the lectern button to pause / restart recording.
- For silver rooms
This room is set for lecture capture recording where a video camera picks up the lectern and whiteboard area and also records voice, audio and the projected image. The camera image is a fixed forward facing wide angle view. The photo shows the view from the camera. Use the recommended font size when writing on the whiteboard. Use the lapel mic for optimal audio. Use the lectern button to pause / restart recording.
- For silver plus rooms
This room is set for lecture capture recording where a video camera picks up the lectern and whiteboard area and also records voice, audio and the projected image. The camera image is a forward facing wide angle view as a default with the addition of a closer view when floor pressure mats are triggered at lectern/whiteboard position. The photo shows the view from the camera. Use the recommended font size when writing on the whiteboard. Use the lapel mic for optimal audio. Use the lectern button to pause / restart recording.
- For gold rooms
This room is set for lecture capture recording where a tracking camera picks up the lectern, whiteboard and stage area. The system also records voice, audio and the projected image. The video shows the view from the camera at the lectern, at the whiteboard and the limits of pick-up in the stage area. Use the recommended font size when writing on the whiteboard. Wear the lanyard to enable camera tracking and for microphone. Use the lectern button to pause / restart recording.
- For platinum rooms
This standard is applicable to collaborative lecture theatres only. This room is set for lecture capture recording where a video camera picks up the lectern and whiteboard area and also records voice, audio and the projected image. The camera image is a fixed forward facing wide angle view. The photo shows the view from the camera. In playback, the viewer can view multiple inputs at the same time (from multiple projected sources). Use the recommended font size when writing on the whiteboard. Use the lapel mic for optimal audio. Use the lectern button to pause / restart recording.