
It’s important to stay alert to the symptoms of Measles.They usually start with cold-like symptoms accompanied by a fever, a red-brown blotchy rash, and sore red eyes. You may also get small spots in your mouth.

If you’ve experienced any of the above, or have been in contact with someone who has, you should call the NHS on 111, get help from 111 online, or call your local GP surgery. Make sure to phone ahead before you visit your GP surgery, so you can prevent others from being infected.

Have you had your MMR vaccination?

Measles is a very infectious, easily spread virus. Those who catch it can typically recover within a few weeks, with complications being rare. Those who are at risk of severe illness are individuals with a weak immune system, those who are pregnant and young adults.
That’s why it’s important for you to protect yourself, and others, against the spread of Measles to ensure you can have a safe and enjoyable University experience.
Adults who are unsure of their own immunity status can speak to their GP who will arrange for a catch up immunisation if necessary – also free of charge.
Any adult or older child can be vaccinated at any age if they have not been fully vaccinated, and are encouraged to do so.
If you are immunocompromised, please seek advice before you have the vaccinations. Your local GP or specialist will advise you on the best course of action.

How can I get vaccinated?

The best way to protect yourself against Measles is by making sure you have received the two full doses of the combined MMR vaccine. We strongly encourage anyone who has not received the MMR vaccine to do so.

It’s free, safe and 99% effective against the spread of Measles. Most side effects are mild, such as a sore arm, and do not last long. You can find out more by visiting the NHS website. 
The MMR immunisation is a safe and effective combined vaccine, protecting against three serious illnesses: measles, mumps and rubella
If you’d like to receive the MMR vaccine, contact your local GP surgery to arrange an appointment. You may also want to check if you’ve already had the vaccine by using the NHS app or by contacting your GP.
For international students, if you’ve paid the surcharge to access NHS services, you’re most likely eligible for the two full doses of the MMR vaccine. If you haven’t had an MMR vaccine or you’re unsure, please contact your GP surgery for advice.
If you’re feeling unwell and suspect it may be Measles, it’s a good idea to reach out to your school who can provide advice and support, particularly if it might interfere with your academic studies. 

How do I check if I've had both doses of the immunisation?

Your GP surgery should be able to check whether you've had both doses of the MMR vaccine.
You may also be able to access your vaccination record online through GP online services or the NHS app.
If your vaccination records are not available, or do not exist, it will not harm you to have the MMR vaccine again.

Can I have the MMR vaccine if I'm pregnant?

As a precaution, the MMR vaccine is not recommended for pregnant women.
You should also avoid becoming pregnant for 1 month after having the MMR vaccine.
It's best to let your GP or midwife know if you had the MMR vaccine while you were pregnant.
Evidence suggests there will be no harm to your baby, but it's better to let them know.

I've heard that the vaccine contains pork product. Is there an alternative I can have?

Anyone who is unable to consume pork products can request a non-porcine version (Priorix) of the vaccination from their GP.
Find out more about Measles by visiting the NHS website: Health A to Z - NHS (

Advice for those who think they have measles

Anyone who has suspected measles symptoms should not visit any health or social care setting in person, and instead call ahead or call NHS 111.
Symptoms of measles include:

  • High temperature
  • Runny or blocked nose
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Red, sore, watery eyes
  • Rash, which usually appears a few days after cold-like symptoms (sometimes it starts around the ears before spreading to the rest of the body)

It can spread quickly among communities, such as universities if students have not had two doses of the MMR vaccine.