The Egalitarian


The Egalitarian

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The Egalitarian

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Spark Special Recognition Prize


Spark Special Recognition Prize Winner

Second year MA International Relations student, Elysia O’Neill, and co-founder Della Claydon, founded the social enterprise ‘The Egalitarian’, dedicated to raising awareness of systemic inequality in society, specifically but not limited to gender inequality.

About The Egalitarian

Elysia said: "We are a social media platform and community that tackles injustice within society by raising awareness of issues and offering action-led content to empower our following to make a difference."

We publish articles and opinion pieces from our community who offer different perspectives from lived experiences on current issues.

Our social media platform offers a voice to spiking and sexual harassment, assault and violence survivors as part of our goal to empower people within our community to speak out about issues that are less visible in mainstream media.”

The Spike Report

In light of the rise of spiking incidents by injection in October 2021, Elysia and the Egalitarian team created the Spike Report. The UK's first publicly viewable spiking incident database allows survivors to report their spiking incident, creating a feeling of empowerment whilst tackling the data gap on spiking.

Alongside information regarding where, when and how spiking incidents are occurring, they collect ratings of venue and police responses. They have received 290 spike reports since launch and over 35,000 visitors to their database.

“The data that we hold is unique and exclusive to The Egalitarian, and we have appeared in numerous news articles (national and local) as well as television news appearances”.

Safe Place Project

In light of the Home Affairs Committee's report on spiking, the team also launched their ‘Safe Place Project’ using their collected data to inform the Government on this issue.

The Safe Place Project is also a unique certification scheme for venues in the night time economy where they will receive bespoke training packages, policy and procedural consultation, discounted anti-spiking products from their supplier and unique signage and assets to notify customers that the venue is a safe place, as verified by The Egalitarian.

“Our certification scheme is the first of its kind and has received substantial interest since launch with numerous service proposals having already been sent to potential clients”

Alongside their communication with venues, the team are currently liaising with local councils and licensing authorities, universities and West Yorkshire Police with the expectation that their certification will be verified by official bodies and become a recognised scheme.